Monday, 8 October 2012

I met Chris

This kid from Germany can be a future azkals player or an artist. Sooo kind and accommodating. I'm happy to bumped into him at The Fort last Sunday. I hope he can be famous in the future. Nice meeting you Chris!!! --- Ate :D

Zac Efron love the Philippines!!!!


Jimmy Kimmel

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Friday, 31 August 2012


I saw this picture somewhere. Yes.. it is a coffee! It is from Australia but I guess its already available here in the Philippines. Anyways.. it is funny because Kakaloka is a famous expression here in the Philippines. Here is the meaning of it. Found it in wikipilipinas: Out of your mind? Don’t run out of words! ‘Kaloka’ is a shorter version of ‘nakakaloka’ but ten times as effective. ‘Kaloka’ is to be used whenever you have a nagging feeling that you have to say something to release tremendous frustration. Go ahead, try saying it. Verbalization helps prevent psychosis.

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Chef Jason's Birthday

i attended a friends birthday last night. it was good too see some people that i knew that i havent seen for some time. the food were awesome!! but my fave is the korean bbq chicken. i asked jason how to make it well im thinking if i can do that. haha.. im looking forward for his restaurant/bar in the future. Happy Birthday again Jason!

Friday, 24 August 2012